Author: admin

Shimbo Pastory This poem was published in the Writers Space Africa (WSA) Monthly Literary Magazine in March 2019. Crowned their KingRig and ring will counter noughtNor change, what is deemedFor a king, must bring peace in his quietThis Simba you’ve doneYour honour in all brutes! Elegant as you are,Your quite is their peace. TremblingSeizes their wake, andBeauty’d hypnotize folks fretful.Then they’d pray to healFrom your severe salutation! Hesitant, careful, of mind,Souls be, as you beFor novel visits, where is one.Sway owes your guard, to stayIn surge and fill, and singThis your tongue counts done!

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Shimbo Pastory This poem was published in the Writers Space Africa Monthly Literary Magazine, October 2018 There goes the MaasaiHoping up the sunDown the land, and up againThe warrior of man, AfricanTaut and hard done His classy lubega is borneTo shelter the gallant breastAnd clothe the life loinsThat cold, dirt, rain, shameBetroths nought His virgin dagger, darlingWarrior of man African;As is to a hen a nestling,Parting not wherever she may goThat peace ever there be His chaste trim spawn’s unspinstered,But for herd historical,And man not one, saveOne who’d smother a lion!This I did, man AfricanHoping up, down, and again to…

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Shimbo Pastory This poem was published in the Writers Space Africa (WSA) Monthly Literary Magazine in August 2018. DimI seeNothing any farMine world is breachedLoss, debts, deaths, blame, wretch-headThe past haunting, the hidden scaringBut, defeat thereof, is here, near, nowLight glows; the fog finds cover, and timeCounts its own, once more when dusk’dSleep and turn again all over!Life’s back when none’d seemI see all aheadBut prickly unseenMy get-awayIs.

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Shimbo Pastory This poem was published in the Writers Space Africa (WSA) Monthly Literary Magazine in July 2018 Edition Downcast I wasLaden, cumbered,Lowered, eaten,Bad’d turned worse,Life’s, staggered; wanédWounded, beatenVigor, counts lessAll’d died, but breathThat I have it all Heart, then broken, wearied,Faith, hope stolen, morbid,All ferried, as pollen, buried,Far, and far em stamen,How solid such life’s deed. A friend is nought, anymore,In need, now, he’d fault, no score,Of love, not’a jot, unsure where to,Far-off my cot, his smiles did tour,That them count this poor! Unloved, I’d thought, desertedEven more; Now, churned with disconcertOf the lore, Oh! “… friend indeed”Roar dear, feely, rhyming;…

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Shimbo Pastory This poem was published in the Writers Space Africa (WSA) Monthly Literary Magazine in their June 2018 Edition. Down the shadowy river bankThe lone crumbling stony bridge, in sight,The blonde swift pacing sundown,And the dutiful whispering waters,Which nursed and romancedThe busy starving gossiping winds, hoveringUnto the grinning starry heavens,Remain the eyewitnessesOf that wonder,Love at first sight.Unbelieving thence you was, as howFrom the affluent a ripe lad falls on you?Lone, hurt lass, and at such odd an hourWhen poverty has creptAll over; save soul,Your wheels then, now your legs,Hapless, would make it all worse,As worse as miracle;Thus you had…

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Shimbo Pastory This poem was published in the Writers Space Africa (WSA) Monthly Literary Magazine in May 2018. The claimant had whined and wailedBut availed no bit to what was saidThough justice would it all unsayThe jurist, paid to ‘do his work’Then heard no pledgeSave of him who signed his wageHis freedom all tamedHis confidence all caged, still as stone Had no feel for the poor man’s talk“How’d I bill those bucks to prison?”“Again, how’d I kill for vain reason?” His heart felt illBut again not ill, “it’s not a big deal,”“Keep still,” he comforts his heart.Soon has turned on…

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Shimbo Pastory This poem was published in the Writers Space Africa (WSA) Monthly Literary Magazine, March 2018 Where love is wantingThere my heart is waitingWhere food is lackingThere I bed my fastingPoor, sick, sad, defeated manHungry souls eaten by the sunShall find strength when I’m doneThus I live my LentWhether little or muchIt matters not as suchThan a change of heartA conversion on my part. If I fast a plateAnd cannot uproot my hateOr I pray all-dayBut cannot tame my sayOr I give out sumsBut justice bid not welcomeOr I build God a ChurchBut oppress the wretchAll is loss, all…

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